Anyoption Claims to be The World’s Biggest Bitcoin Exchange
Tag Archives: trade binary options bitcoin
Anyoption Claims to be The World’s Biggest Bitcoin Exchange
May 15, 2013Anyoption, a leading binary options platform claims to be the world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange. With the rising popularity of the new virtual currency envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, many traders have asked to include it on the asset index, and Anyoption has more than risen to the challenge by creating a separate feature resembling an exchange focusing on Bitcoin options only. Trading Tip: This broker allows trading on Bitcoin Options during Monday – Friday 08:00-16:00 GMT only. Still, there is one important question that needs to be asked. Namely, is this a real exchange or something else? Strictly speaking, an exchange …
Posted in Trading Guide | Tagged Anyoption, anyoption bitcoin, anyoption trade bitcoin, binary options bitcoin, binary options brokers, binary options brokers bitcoin, binary options exchange, invest in binary options, trade binary options bitcoin, trade binary options online |